DSR500-LED-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC dsr500 FROM DSR500-MIB; dsr500LedModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201101020700Z" -- 1st February 2011 ORGANIZATION "Dlink" CONTACT-INFO " Email: " DESCRIPTION " MIB module for reading status of different LED's and port speed/link status of every ethernet port. " REVISION "201101020700Z" -- 1st February 2011 DESCRIPTION " Initial version" ::= { dsr500 1 } systemLed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of System LED 0 - Led is Off 1 - Led is On 2 - Error" ::= {dsr500LedModule 1} usb1Led OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of USB1 LED 0 - Led is Off 1 - Led is On 2 - Error" ::= {dsr500LedModule 2} lan1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The link state of LAN PORT 1 and the Port Speed. A two digit integer will be returned. The first digit will show the link activity as the following: 1 - Link Down 2 - Link Up 3 - Error The second digit will show the port speed 0 - 10 Mbps 1 - 100 Mbps 2 - 1000 Mbps 3 - Error So a value of 21 will mean Link is Up and Port speed is 100 Mbps" ::= {dsr500LedModule 3} lan2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The link state of LAN PORT 2 and the Port Speed. A two digit integer will be returned. The first digit will show the link activity as the following: 1 - Link Down 2 - Link Up 3 - Error The second digit will show the port speed 0 - 10 Mbps 1 - 100 Mbps 2 - 1000 Mbps 3 - Error So a value of 21 will mean Link is Up and Port speed is 100 Mbps" ::= {dsr500LedModule 4} lan3Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The link state of LAN PORT 3 and the Port Speed. A two digit integer will be returned. The first digit will show the link activity as the following: 1 - Link Down 2 - Link Up 3 - Error The second digit will show the port speed 0 - 10 Mbps 1 - 100 Mbps 2 - 1000 Mbps 3 - Error So a value of 21 will mean Link is Up and Port speed is 100 Mbps" ::= {dsr500LedModule 5} lan4Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The link state of LAN PORT 4 and the Port Speed. A two digit integer will be returned. The first digit will show the link activity as the following: 1 - Link Down 2 - Link Up 3 - Error The second digit will show the port speed 0 - 10 Mbps 1 - 100 Mbps 2 - 1000 Mbps 3 - Error So a value of 21 will mean Link is Up and Port speed is 100 Mbps" ::= {dsr500LedModule 6} wan1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The link state of WAN1 and the Port Speed. A two digit integer will be returned. The first digit will show the link activity as the following: 1 - Link Down 2 - Link Up 3 - Error The second digit will show the port speed 0 - 10 Mbps 1 - 100 Mbps 2 - 1000 Mbps 3 - Error So a value of 21 will mean Link is Up and Port speed is 100 Mbps" ::= {dsr500LedModule 7} wan2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The link state of WAN2 and the Port Speed. A two digit integer will be returned. The first digit will show the link activity as the following: 1 - Link Down 2 - Link Up 3 - Error The second digit will show the port speed 0 - 10 Mbps 1 - 100 Mbps 2 - 1000 Mbps 3 - Error So a value of 21 will mean Link is Up and Port speed is 100 Mbps" ::= {dsr500LedModule 8} END